Easter Basket Gift Guide 2023

I’m happy to say that this not only is this my first official gift guide, but it’s also the first year of making an Easter Basket for our little girl. She’s almost 17 months old so all these gifts are appropriate for her age. I was also thinking of adding some of her favorite snacks to the basket, just because her closet is already overflowing with toys—(thank you grandparents). I hope this is a good place to get started for all your Easter Basket ideas.


We bought a Cuddle & Kind doll for our girl when we were getting her nursery together. She just absolutely loves it, and this bunny is so cute adorned with a little daisy crown.

I’m curious with these cards how she will do with them. She loves to play the “name something and point to it” game. So I have a feeling this is going to be a fun activity for her.

We have a couple different toys like this one already, but I love the idea of her almost practicing some gardening, ya know? Mom is going to need some help this summer and fall harvesting all those veggies.


I love this author and illustrator! We bought the Snuggle Bear book and it’s one of our girl’s favorite books.

I have looked high and low for a cute (not tacky) watering can for our girl. She has been so interested in plants and she’s at that age where she wants to see what we’re doing and how she can help. This one is 1.5L and I think it will be just the right size and weight (with water in it) for her to help water the plants.

Same with the sunglasses, we are prepping for a beach day, and since these toys are silicone, they’re super each to wash sand off. Easy to clean toys = Mom’s favorite toys

I honestly couldn’t decide between this book and the Honey Bunny book. But then this one accidentally fell into my cart. Whoops! ;)


I think we’re getting close to that coloring/arts and crafts age. I can’t tell you how excited I am to hang some art on the walls and fridge. It’s also a great outdoor activity as the weather warms up.

A classic and definitely a book my mom bought out each Easter for us to read. This one is perfect for her age as it has the touch and feel spots on each page.

We’re due for the “magnet on the fridge” aesthetic so I opted for these cute wooden ones with muted colors. They also have numbered ones as well.

This is another great toy that allows her to practice the same things Mom does. She’s so curious about my cooking these days, I wanted her to finally be able to hold her own knife and take a whack at it.


YES! I will take three of these, thank you. I also bought a matching swimsuit (her first swimsuit) because I think a beach day is coming up this Summer.

Not that she needs another stuffed animal, but this one is softer, squishier, and a little easier on the wallet than the Cuddle & Kind dolls. We’ll call it the budget-friendly bunny.

Everything is puppies and kitties right now, so this book (another touch and feel) is perfect for our girl. And another fun book to read each Easter.