Welcome to DEERYARD


And thank you so much for stopping by! DEERYARD has been in the making for almost two years now. I sometimes want to be mad at myself for taking this much time to put myself out there. I mean, it can’t be that hard, right? Well, it seems easy enough, until you ask yourself the question, “Who are you, really? Like…really, REALLY?” I mostly answered that question with long pauses, and sometimes would mix in a bunch of  “maybe’s” and “I don’t know’s”.  That question has always bothered me because there’s this pressure put on you to just know the answer, as if it were simple enough. And if you don’t know, you’re seen as someone who’s behind, someone who doesn’t have it all together, or someone who has no drive, ambition, or focus. The hardest…the absolute hardest part of it all is that I have so much drive, ambition, and focus, but without direction, I’m just a mouse in a maze.

I REALLY had to dig to find the answers I needed to that question, and the answers I found weren’t all pretty. Turns out I have a lot of flaws, and a lot more than I realized. But I also discovered some awesome truths about myself that I feel make me unique and, in a sense, original.

So here’s a little of what I discovered: I wear my heart on my sleeve, but I won’t let anyone know it’s there. They have to figure that out for themselves…if they want to (that part is important). My pet peeve is when people interrupt me, and unfortunately for them, I’m a long-winded talker. I’m really silly and goofy lady, and purposefully like to be awkward because I love to laugh at myself, and enjoy making other’s laugh. It absolutely kills me when people perceive me as a “bad” person, and this is something I need to work through, especially if I want to change the world (yes, the world). Oh, and speaking of, I love to dream, but through a realist’s perspective. And the number one thing I learned is that I am blessed and cared-for every day. Even if it doesn’t feel like it on those bad days, I have been given so much that should never be taken for grated.

Two years later, or more like 26 years later, I finally understand myself more than I ever did before. And I have to say it’s the most free I’ve ever felt.

So I did it, and here it is….DEERYARD DESIGNS. I hope in this new adventure of mine, I can bring you inspiration above all other things—inspiration to create, to explore, and to discover. And the best part is that I’m still figuring life out too, so we get to do it all together.